Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Think I can, I think I can...

Yes...Mr. independent likes to use the "big-boy" potty. We really haven't been trying to potty train Ry...he is only 19 months old BUT, Ry definitely has an interest in learning. I think he just likes our reaction when he actually "uses" the potty. Oh, and it might just be all about the flush. It is pretty exciting to flush the potty.

4th of July
As you can see...Ry is in mid-egging-of-the-daddy to light "Mooore" fireworks. Ry really loved the 4th this year. We had lots of fun watching Ry. However, this could lead to a pyro problem. Should I be worried??

Cheesy-poofs... a must.

Stepping on snaps. This could have gone on for HOURS.

I have been a serious slacker on getting these pictures taken and posted. I cannot believe that Ry is a year and a half already. Time has gone by so fast.
I really have enjoyed this stage of Ry's life. He is so funny and so interesting. He says so many words and tries new words everyday. He is interested in everything we do and say, which could be scary at times. He loves to learn and explore. He finds all of my soft spots and knows how to pull my stings. He has an uncanny ability to make anyone laugh. His smile almost makes me explode. I love him more and more everyday. I often see many of my family members in his expressions. He tells me he loves me. He gives me kisses and hugs. He tells me "nigh-nigh" after I read him a story. Ry loves Lucy and Lucy loves long as he is not pulling her tail. He believes in me as a mommy. He knows that he is special and he is the life in me.

Dear Ry;
I am truly honored to be your mother and I am so grateful for the opportunity. You have changed me. You are a deep part of my being. I have loved to watch you grow and change. You have a beauty that cannot exist in any other way. I love you more than I could ever express. I hope that you may forgive me for my short comings in the present and in the future. I hope the short coming are few, however, I assure you there will be times were I will fall short. Know that you are my reason for this life and I plan to serve you well. Love you Ry-man.

1 comment:

Heidy said...

Hey suz, I am just now getting back to the blogging world. first of all your pictures of Ry are so dang cute. I just love him. I loved getting to see you this summer and I hope that all is well in your new house. I am just now reading your previous post and wanted to say thank you, It is just what I need to hear today. It was beautifully written. You are such a great friend and I am so grateful that I have had you in my life.