Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Every now and then, an event in life has the capacity to re-route our current way of thinking. This event has the power to remind us of our mortal condition and force a humility that brings us crashing to our knees. Humility...
In part, these events open wounds so deep that sanity seems over estimated and the fragility of our souls become exposed, without permission. A hurricane of emotions release, leaving a broken wake of what is real and the feelings that seem like part of a horror movie. These times have that ability to unearth even the heaviest of anchors. Our feet feel frozen in place while we watch the world continue... without even a blink of an eye. Amazingly, the sun will still rise tomorrow. Remember, our plan is not THE PLAN.
Eventually, time be-friends us and slowly dissolves the bitter emptiness left behind. The event looses it's sting, even while it's footprint is left behind...never to be erased. We grow. We change event by event. This too is part of THE PLAN. Today's event has forced me to reflect upon myself and who I should be. Time for new goals. I hope that you know that I love you all. I need to say it more. Forgive me for such a post...

To my Richardson family...
I love you so much. I wish you the best in finding the peace that you so need. So many love you and will always remember Mark for the footprints he has left behind. You are in our prayers.

New goal....
New post, unsaid thoughts.

To mom;
I know that we have had our rough times. There has been many times that I have been completely rotten. I hope that you can forgive me of those. I get caught up in wishing "things" were perfect. They never will be. You try so hard to make the broken fixed. I just hope you know that I love you and I really appreciate all that you have done for me. You are a great mom. I am so glad that I have you. I am glad that Ry has you too. Thank you for always supporting me...maybe, even when I didn't deserve it. Thanks mom. love you.


Robby said...

Very good post, Suzy. Well said.

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

Wow, Suz, you are a great writer. Thanks for the uplifting message. I agree, sometimes those moments come along that change us forever, and you're so good to write it down so you remember it forever. Since you inspired me, I too am going to give you a piece of my mind... I don't tell you enough how much I love and appreciate all you do. You are not just a sister in law to me, you are my sister, my closest friend, my confidant, my examplar! You have taught me so much about being a mom and a friend. Thank you for your patience, thanks for being my shoulder to cry on at times, and thanks mostly for being the best Suzy you can be. Thank you for trusting me with your little treasure Ry, I love him with all my heart and hope you know that I will always try to help him life and I will always be there for him. Thanks for putting up with my brother so that we could be family. You truly are amazing! I love you!