Sunday, May 24, 2009

la De Da..

Moving is the pits! I don't believe there is anything quite as tedious and exhausting as moving out of a house. We have gather many "extras" over the last five and a half years. Moving has given me time to think about how these "extras" come about... and a serious need for changing my strategy for the collection of "extras." At the time of acquiring "extras" it seems like a good idea. "I will need "this"...just in case, or "this" will come in handy if "this" happens, and my personal favorite... "If I work really hard, I am sure I will be able to fit in "this" someday...La de da! I guess on the bright side of moving, I found a way to "loose" some of those "extras." Somehow, this only seems like making more room for more "extras." Exactly how do we rid our "extras" permanently? Blah!
Ry's contribution to the moving process.

What do I do??

My little duck.

We discovered that the hose, water balloons, and a bucket is serious entertainment.

After Ry's clothes got soaked, I realized a bathing suit would suffice. A little late...

Keizya baby joined us for our fun in the sun.

Like Babe Ruth compassing the exact location of his one thousandth home run hit, Ry-man points the direction of his water balloon designation.

OOOPS!!! Get control of that hose baby girl!

Hey I found a caterpillar mom! doesn't taste very good!

In a nut shell, we are still busy, even without school. I just received my dental hygiene licence yesterday and I hope to find a job very soon. I am so excited to start my hygiene career. Few...
We recently moved out of our house and moved to Woodland Hills with Chris's parents. We rented out our home and plan to make student loan payments a major priority for the next six months. We hope to purchase a new home as soon as possible and plan to work very hard to meet this goal. Are we crazy??? ALWAYS! But, we live for adventure. I guess...


Josh said...

LOVE those pictures. The last picture of Keiza looks so much like Nikki, I can't believe it. I think you guys are so smart to get those loans out of the way, and Josh was saying yesterday how smart the way you set up your renting situation was. It will be an adventure. Look at it this way, you can put Ry to sleep and come hang out with us and make sushi, cause you'll have baby-sitters:)

Jake and Nicole said...

Cute pictures!!! Good luck living with the parents!! Good way to save money and pay off debt! Can't wait to hear about a new house in the future! Miss you! xoox

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

You got some real cute pics of the kiddies...I'm gonna have to steal those from you. Slap em on a CD with her 9 month pictures will ya? Thanks Suz! See ya in the morning!