Thursday, November 6, 2008

You mean...

we aren't going to eat the pumpkin??
Wow!! That's what it looks like inside, huh?

Are you sure you want me to play in this? It feels kind of funny!

I better stand up for this.

I am going to taste test this mom. I just have to...I can't help it.

Hey, Mr. Pumpkin has two teeth... just like me!

Hello Mr. Pumpkin. Anybody home??

Ry's first Halloween was a success. Chris and I had a lot of fun re-living the holiday through Ry man's eyes. Although Ry is a little young for tricker treating, Halloween seemed to have the old "feel" to it again. You know how it use to feel when we were little? Remember the excitement of wearing ridiculous get-ups and eating candy for the next two months? I guess one of the joys of having children is that you are able to remember all those great feelings and childhood memories.
Thank you Ryu... for making life so fun!

The Monkey and the Dragon


Monkey, Dragon, and Mr. Pumpkin before his Halloween autopsy.

Keizya, monkeys eat bananas...remember!?

Well, this monkey eats pumpkins.
Ry looks so BIG in this picture. Is he really this big? Wow!


Kelsey said...

So cute Suz! Looks like you guys had so much fun! He's getting to be so big!

Carter Family said...

Halloween is the best with children. They get so excited that you can remember how it was for you. He is getting so big! Good to hear from you.

Hill said...

they look so cute in their little costumes. You are such a nice mom, Ammie still hasn't had the joy of carving a pumpkin, mostly because I HATE carving pumpkins, I'll decorate one, but carve...blah.

Anonymous said...

So cute Suzy!!!! I just love the costume and its perfect for a little boy names dragon!!!! I still can't believe that the class hasn't seen him....

Heidy said...

He looks so cute in his costume. You are so good to do a pumpkin and everything. Glad you had a Happy Halloween.

Kristen S said...

Your little guy is growing so fast! His hair looks so much thicker than the last time I saw him! Halloween is so much fun with kids!!

Jake and Nicole said...

SO CUTE!! I will agree with all, Halloween is SO much better with kids!:)

Anita said...

Ryu is getting so big! The Dragon is the cutest costume. I am jealous of all those beautiful leaves, we do not get them in AZ.

Unknown said...

how do you get such amazing pictures!! I am so jealous.