Friday, March 27, 2009

Going On An Ant Hunt

While we had a taste of SPRING for a few days, Ry-man got to spend a good amount of time outside. He LOVES to be outside. He actually waits by the door until the morning warms enough for the little critters to come out. As soon as he is set free, he is like a animal out of a cage. "WOW," Ry says as he picks up rocks, handfuls of dirt, and as he tries to walk on the lumpy lawn without falling too many times. He is so much fun to watch. I love his eager appetite for learning and I LOVE to witness his new discoveries. I am really looking forward to this summer. I can't wait for the new adventures ahead like...ant hunting.

This is Ry's belly. He loves to show it to me...and everyone else.

Looking for an ant...

Still looking...


Whoops...I think I squished it when I tried to pick it up. "Uh OH!" Ry says with a very apologetic tone.

Oh well, I am sure I will find more!

Yup, right here! Look Mom, look!!

Who knew that ant hunting would be so much fun???
Other news:
Since the change in weather, Ry was unfortunate enough to catch R.S.V. as well as a double ear infection. He has been so miserable. He has had a temperature of 103, a horrible cough, and a crappy nose. It is so sad to see him so sick. I am glad that we didn't have to spend time in the hospital but it got pretty close. R.S.V. makes it difficult, for the poor little guys who catch it, to breath. I think we have had about 15 hours of sleep since last Monday. Of course this would happen the night before my National Boards test. This is my kind of luck. I got three hours of sleep before the test of my life. Truth is, I probably wouldn't have slept much anyway, nerves and all. I have been studying for this test since January so, I feel like a was prepared enough to wing the lack of sleep. The test took me SEVEN hours to take! It was very difficult and exhausting! Now I just have to wait 6 to 8 weeks for the results. I plan on a passing grade otherwise, Chris may have to start dancing tables! :) Anyhow, Ry is doing much better today. He is on a good dose of antibiotics, sleeping with a humidifier, and getting everything he wants...of course. I can't wait until he is on his feet and going again.
A bit of good news....I graduate in ONE MONTH!!! WAHOO! (If you could see my face, you would possible understand the excitement that I feel. Hell is almost over!! Not exaggerating!)


Hill said...

Great pictures Suz, I'm sorry about all the other stuff. RSV is scary, it is bad enough to see your kid have a cold, but all that, sheesh! I'm sure you passed, no need to worry there.

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

Suz, again, I feel horrible. Really, I would quarantine my house just to make sure Ry could come over if it was feasible and reasonable. And I'm so excited that you are on the down slide for school! I'm so proud of you, you have studied so hard for so's time for you to reap the rewards! Love ya!

Heidy said...

I love those pictures. It is so funny that little boys just seem to gravitate to bugs. So cute. Sorry about the RSV that really stinks. I am so glad he is feeling better. Good job on getting your test finished. I am so excited for you to only have 1 month left!!!! hurray! I should come and stay with me to celebrate ;) love ya

Wahines in Bikinis said...

He is soo cute! and Getting HUGE! Hope he gets all better soon.

Remember how you graduate in a month...I remember seeing you at school a few years ago and it seemed so far away. Congrats! and good luck on the scores

Fords said...

He is so cute...isn't it so much fun to just watch them?

Carter Family said...

When kids are sick its no fun! Hope he gets better soon. Congrats on almost being done with school. I love how they make you wait forever to find out your score on major tests. Ry is getting so big. Cute pictures.

jess said...

I love the aunt hunting pictures. I remember when cindy was little. All the little things we forget to notice, they do. enjoy them.

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

So, we were watching America's Funniest Home Video's, and I had to show Schoeny Ry's Jammie movie...cuz you totally would have won the 10,000 dollar prize with that! Did you ever submit it?

Jake and Nicole said...

You're amazing to me!!! You'll pass, no doubt! I'm so sorry Ry has been sick, that's no fun at all!!! I am glad he is feeling better! Cute pictures!!!