Sunday, December 28, 2008

Santa came!!

Santa came, Santa came!!! WAHOO!!

Ryu was a very good boy this year. He got lots of new toys to entertain him...for a moment anyway. Although, I think his favorite part was opening his new toys. Chris and I had a lot of fun watching Ry discover his first Christmas. Remember the magic? Ryu has brought much of that magic back to our Christmas. This Christmas felt a little more like the good ole' days.

Daddy and Ry
Uncle Mike's hand made was the hit of the day for Ry.

Ryu liked...LOVED to help everyone else open their presents too.

Spider man ball...too cool!

Ha ha, daddy!!
Grandpa and Ry man.

Yeah, they are similar in many ways. I am in trouble.
Nikki and the babies. Notice Ry's ear. He had some weird reaction to some juice. He broke out in hives EVERYWHERE. Even IN his ears. Ry didn't seem to be as worried as I was. After some Benadryl and a bath, the hives disappeared. It was kind of scary... I hope we can steer clear of future reactions. Despite the hives and an episode of choking on some yams, Ry seemed to have a good time.

Grandma and Keizya.

Uncle Jeff


Kage and Ry

My hive boy!
Jeff and Nikki's sweet gingerbread igloo.
Christmas was a success. We had so much fun! I love the Christmas spirit and the "feeling" that comes along with it. I love to witness every second of Ry's new discoveries and adventures.
Here is looking forward to the new year!!!


Hill said...

looks like you had a great time, minus the hives. Christmas is way more fun with kids, even though Ammie couldn't have cared less about everything

Alicia said...

Hey...I need your email address so I can send you an invite to our blog. Hope you're surviving UCDH! My email is

Jeff. Nikki. Keizya. Reila. said...

That was by far the craziest Whiteman Christmas Eve thus far! I'm sorry that you were brunt of the craziness! Do you know how much I love you Sue? Well, I do, and you should know that. You are the best sister in the whole world! What ever would I do without you? Love you Suze!

jess said...

looks like you all had fun.

The Heath's said...

Hi, this is Natalie (Morris). I was so excited to find your blog. It looks like you guys had a great christmas, the holidays are so much more fun with little ones. YOUR BABY BOY IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! What a cutie, and Nikki's little girl is very cute too. Anyway, glad to see all is well with you.

Kristen S said...

How cute is Ryu?! Poor thing with the hives though. That is scary when your kid has them. Christmas sure is fun with kids isn't it?! Hope you're ready for the next few months of school...think happy thoughts! You're almost there!! :)